Fast and Accurate Screening for Franchise Success

Collaborate with a leading background screening provider for franchises to ensure confident hiring decisions.

Enhance and Secure Your Business Growth

Develop an exceptional franchise workforce with our top-tier employment screening solutions, customized to fit your unique business needs, regardless of the number of employees or store locations. Sterling provides flexible and cost-effective screening options and convenient packages to keep your business advancing.

Candidate Center

At Ameriascan, our aim is to enhance your recruitment experience. Our streamlined, user-friendly process will help you expand your talent pool more quickly

Simpler Background Checks. Trusted Results

Building a great team starts with a trusted partner that delivers the easiest end-to-end pre-employment background check workflow in the industry.

  • Automated Workflows
    GoodHire takes you step-by-step through an intuitive, paperless workflow
  • Simple To Understand
    Hire faster with easy-to-review results and clear record details
  • Worry-Free Results
    Advanced data engineering and industry-leading data sources deliver reliable results with a dispute rate of <0.1%